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Thread: PixLeff's Novel Discussion Thread

  1. #1
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    Question PixLeff's Novel Discussion Thread

    Greetings, peasants.

    I have come to the realization that I'm trash at drawing. But, I find myself to be a very good writer. Instead of drawing, now, I'm writing. I have been working on a novel for about a year now... WHERE CAN I BUY IT you ask yourself for some odd reason... Well you can't. I have been toying with an idea that I would be comfortable with, for forever now, and after all this wasted time I finally have created a universe I am extremely proud of. I shall explain.

    There will be a lot of satire in this thread. Don't be offended please. It's not serious. <3

    I have wanted to create a loreverse (Lore-Universe for you uneducated whelps.) where people feel some emotion... Such as (I will simplify my words for you.) feeling happy, sad, angry, overwhelmed, confused, intrigued, changed, and wanting to learn more about what I have written. I wanted a sci-fi setting, where I could recreate what we as humans believe as fact and make you rethink that into certain other possibilities- no religion, no boundaries, just one possibility. I also wanted to include space- space is SO AMAZING (fanboying) and no one thinks about it anymore. I love space, and I wanted to write about what I love. There are not just humans, but other races and creatures as well. There is not just space, but beyond that- an unreachable plane that holds creatures that are... well you'll have to read. ANYWAY enough describing. WHERE IS THE WRITING.

    I don't feel like including it all here because there are people who are, how can I put this lightly... RUDE. They will possibly steal my information that I have worked undeniably hard at. Maybe as I feel more comfortable I will reveal some other things but, whatever. LET'S GO. I'll constantly update this thread with new information.

    I accept criticisms... Constructive or not.

    The Novaclaw Universe
    So of course, how did my Universe start? What's the name of it? Blah blah. Well it's called the Novaclaw Universe. It's named after a powerful creature that persists over multiple universes and deals with the creation of all life. The Universal History is recorded by the lifecycle (Cycle) of this creature. One cycle is equal to 1million EST (Earthen Standard Time), or Earthen years. So, by definition, we are into Cycle 13,824 if what we believe the age of the universe is, is correct. So... What about God? Well the Novaclaw is a God. I'm Roman Catholic so I base this book off of my beliefs- that there is one God. Like I said, I don't want a religion. I don't want to deal with that politically correct crap... Therefor I created a creature. This creature can create just as God did- but they corrupt after much energy is expended. This plays a MAJOR role in the development of my universe. How did the universe ACTUALLY start, though? Similarly to our belief- a big bang. I hope that you will go check out Crash Course on Astrology/The Big Bang. It's SO VERY COOL. But, how did the Big Bang happen? There are two theories... The Big Crunch is the end of the universe, but also the start. Heat Death is a joke- all stars will end of course- forget Heat Death. But the Big Bang was an explosion (possibly from a black hole) that spews out stars and planets etc. that expand. WRONG! Here's how I have written it: all of creation will be sucked into one all powerful, exploding star (black hole). It then grows too powerful, and it's energy is expended into the Novaclaw- even the Novaclaw dies in the end. I told you, it becomes corrupt and eventually expends all its energy into death. It's the nature of the Novaclaw to explore and create life- so there will ALWAYS be life. I'M CONFUSED you say. The universe is infinite. When it dies, it recreates itself. That's the easiest way to understand it. Also know, the Novaclaw does NOT create stars and planets- only life. Stars are created from the black hole- when the Novaclaw is created, much energy is wasted and nitrogen and hydrogen are spewed out into space as a result. Stars are a combo of hydrogen and nitrogen, of course, logic. Planets are made from those stars cooling. Everything else is confidential at the moment. Maybe. :)

    I've been typing too long. I have to pee. Feedback is welcome. I REALLY would LOVE if you asked questions. There is more interesting stuff to come. I promise. I'll write more if I get some feedback. If no one looks at this, I'll be sad but, I guess people aren't interested in creativity kappa. Enjoy, my friends!
    "I Think I'll Kill I Am."

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  2. #2
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    I guess nobody checks these threads here. *Sigh*

    Well I'll post some more information before I write some more. So, creation right? RIGHT. I'm going to skip ahead to Earth, I think, since we can ALL relate. I'll go back to the beginning later. Ahem. So, in 2063, a man (I won't add names. Spoilers...) who was born in Russia in 2000, spent his retired years (63 at the time for you math wizards.) dabbling in a device capable of reaching light-speed. It had always interested him, even if the rest of everyone on Earth focused on petty political conflicts. He asked his son, who was born in 2032, to help him. Their first step was to create a core capable of allowing a starship to travel faster than typical rockets. They spent almost everyday in the basement of a home researching and building device. None worked, and in 2076, the old guy not named died of old age- though he wasn't that old. CONSPIRACY? His son sword to continue his legacy, and in 2081 created a company with the money that had been left to him- he was an only child. For many many years, the son tried and tried again to finish the design. He had almost reached a finished product, until he too passed in 2113. 4 years later his understudy, and a good friend, discovered the quantum-engine. It allowed travel of 1/100th the speed of light. It used no fuel, just constant energy. In 2124, a satellite capable of terraforming Mars was built. It was sent to Mars using a prototype rocket containing the quantum-engine- BUT in 2130 a starship was built, and it was only given out to a select few. In 2144, the quantum-engine was improved, allowing 1/50th the speed of light. Mars had also, only 10 years left until it was colonizable. In 2156, Mars was already receiving mass immigrations of people. A ship was also created that was able to travel at 1/25th the speed of light- and it was used to explore the farther reaches of the galaxy. AAAND in 2163 light-speed travel was finally developed. No ship was born of that era, but military starships, space-stations, and terraforming opportunities were being developed because of this.

    IS THERE MORE? No, not right now. That's plenty for today.

    Stupid people. Politics are lame. Space is cool.
    Updated, I changed the years to be more logical... Just roll with what's on here. It's wrong but, close enough.
    Last edited by Pix Lefferno; 10-14-2016 at 05:43 PM. Reason: Changed Info
    "I Think I'll Kill I Am."

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  3. #3
    ZMC Zenn's Avatar
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    EST is a name of for a timezone, so I dont see what '1 Million EST' is supposed to mean.
    Zen Magus Canavi

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zenn View Post
    EST is a name of for a timezone, so I dont see what '1 Million EST' is supposed to mean.
    If you would have actually read it, it says it stands for Earthen Standard Time- so it's what we humans follow as time. I should probably change it seeing as Eastern Standard Time would confuse people, but it's just a placeholder for now.
    "I Think I'll Kill I Am."

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  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Pix Lefferno View Post
    If you would have actually read it, it says it stands for Earthen Standard Time- so it's what we humans follow as time. I should probably change it seeing as Eastern Standard Time would confuse people, but it's just a placeholder for now.
    it could also stand for "Estimated"
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    Ill do my best to answer any inquiry.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adonis View Post
    it could also stand for "Estimated"
    Attachment 28991
    Yeah, should probably change it then. xD

    Planning on update this post thread today.
    Last edited by Pix Lefferno; 10-20-2016 at 01:38 PM.
    "I Think I'll Kill I Am."

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  7. #7
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    I lied about updating the thread, BUT, I do have a HUGE UPDATE to explain.

    I have decided to, not only make a book, but a game. WHAT?! Yep, a game. All done in Unreal Engine 4, indie for now, hopefully to get a demo out within the next couple months. After I release a demo to Steam Greenlight, hopefully get some support, I'll start work on the actual game. I'll finish a good bit of the book by December as well. ELABORATE SCHEME ALERT. Hopefully it kicks off. Here's the plan:

    The game will be a giant MMORPG. One time pay for the game, (60$) with four planned expansions probably at (40$) each, more than likely every other year with loads of content to add. The game ties in with the book- starting BEFORE the book, and leading up to events during/after the book. It'll be like the Destiny everyone wanted, except, better. It'll be a TPS, with a ton of cool content.

    I don't have much to update, currently. I haven't gotten THAT far with my writing, but this is a new development I suppose. I'll post developments for NOT ONLY the book, but the Demo/Game. I'm sure it sounds boring now but, once I post some pictures and information you'll be excited.
    "I Think I'll Kill I Am."

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