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Thread: Increased Level of Ganis.

  1. #1

    Talking Increased Level of Ganis.

    Hi all.
    I want to introduce myself as a Gani Artist.
    I'm iRockstar Ciprioni, I've been creating Ganis since early 2012.
    Im here today to let everyone know that if you're interested in creating Ganis and can make them, or want to start, I'm here to help you if you need it, I'm happy to help anyone who will actually stick to this as I don't want to spend my time teaching someone for weeks then have them leave
    I just want to see this community being interested in one of the most important aspects of Graal game development.
    Anyway ill tell you a bit on how I got started,
    It was early 2012 when I got in touch with Ace Ciprioni, my mentor.
    I told him that I'm really interested in starting to make Ganis, he followed through, I added him on Skype, he taught me the basics, adding sprites, adding/deleting frames, etc. etc.It was 10 Am in the morning, I was so passionate about doing this so I stayed up that late, Ace was live streaming whilst I sit in bed watching, I asked questions in game whilst he answered them with his voice, he showed me how to make frames, etc.30 minutes went by and I was so fascinated by this, I've always wanted to do this I though to myself.I ended up passing out at 2:10 am, just to get up again in 3 hours and 50 minutes.The next day after school I immediately hopped on my desktop computer and fiddled around with some Ganis which some people had already made.I then started to make some little 'fun' animations, like little dances, later that day I got in touch with Ace again, he then showed me how to use some functions of the Graal Shop, like Single Dir, setback to and loop, etc.I got the hang of it all, my Ganis were improving, fast, as I got better, so did my chances of being added to Era iPhone Dev.I sent some of my Ganis I've been working on to Ace, he told me he was going to add me to Dev so I can practise my Ganis better.This is when Ace taught me to do light effects! I was so proud with myself!2 months went by and I was still on Dev, not long after that, Ace had showed me something, I was almost worried about what it was, it was his conversation with Snk, the conversation said I was pretty much being hired in 2 days!The next day, Ace had gotten himself in trouble, which resulted in him being removed, which I knew them, I lost my chance, weeks, months, all went past, my behaviour changed, from good to bad, I did something's which I shouldn't of, but that's not the point, I lost my contact with Ace after Skype was banned from me, I released that my behaviour had improved, 4 weeks (approx.) and I found myself working on Zone!
    Now, I want to help people who are in the same position I was in when this was happening, I want to be able to help everyone as much as possible.I know I may not be able to answer everyone's Gani problems but some more experienced Gani Artists like Doodleman or Veri can help you.
    If you'd just like one of us to look at your work, just post a You Tube video or attach the file so we can view it, if you're looking for PT (Personal Teaching) let me know through:
    1) Forum PM.
    2) iZone.
    3) KiK; irockstarciprioni
    4) Facebook; IRockstar Graal.
    Thanks for reading if you did and I look forward to assisting you all!
    (This was 633 words)

  2. #2
    Are you sure about the hiring thing? I was a good friend of ace and he told me he was going to prank some kid who was a ganier on dev he was teaching, telling him he was hired for april fools day. Are you sure that wasn't you?

    On a side note the whole point of this thread seems to be "plz hire me i good i would have supposedly been hired anyway, ive worked for zone and have a level 99 gani skill"
    Stop staying up late and go to school, knowing how to gani doesn't mean **** when your grades fail

  3. #3
    This thread wasnt intentionally about that but was intended to help people- Ace did that april fools thing once but this was another time.

  4. #4
    started august 2010
    iEra Gani Artist
    former iZone Gani Artist

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