Ok since the gun nerf has been implemented i have a theory where some poeple will leave/become inactive because of these reasons:

1. There will be less people who will earn for those high cost guns since its nerfed to oblivion
- what i meant by these is many people go online everyday to work for hours just to get they want but since its not worth it anymore they will settle for cheap guns. This will decrease their online time(also decreases itunes spending since the guns are cheap)
2. This leads to our second point kills/spar/events rewards. Remember those guns you look up to like vector,psg-1,p2k,ion carbine. Forget these guns these are nerfed to lul.
- my point is the reward is not as rewarding as before and getting 100k kills/15k+ spar wins is not worth the time( less sparrers and pkers)
3. Lastly is the players who originally have the pre nerfed guns - some players only have one gun and when you nerf this one gun. What happens is whenever you see this one gun it reminds you of the time and money you wasted on this nerfed gun and that alone is depressing especially if you worked hard for 2 monts for it. Its enough for some people to quit, its a realization for them that ive wasted enough time on this game

This is just my opinion take it with a grain of salt