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Thread: Best gun out of Dual Eagles, M16, P90, or Tachi Scorpion?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Portland, OR

    Red face Best gun out of Dual Eagles, M16, P90, or Tachi Scorpion?

    Lemme know!

  2. #2
    I would say the m16 for it cheap price of 15k its like another bar its an automatic gun with a wide spread like the bar accept 2 damage lower thats a very good deal!! People might disagree and say tachi scorpion but honestly m16 is cheaper and better to me

  3. #3
    first off. Take the tachi off the list, its a rip off gun ever since the M16 got buffed a second time,

    The M16 provides incredible fire power for that price. Its very mobile and easy to use and a good all around gun in general. The only drawback is the 16 size clip and the annoying reloads.

    P90 is good. It provides decent fire power and a 18 size clip. The huge drawback to this gun is the high freeze meaning your not going to be moving fast while shooting.

    Deagles are excelent weapons for the price. The guns are very good at a M16 fire rate and a 18 size clip. One huge drawback is single dual firing. Why its terrible is when turning a coroner in a base, you have to fully expose yourself to get maximum effectiveness of that gun. If you dont fully expose your self your basically single shooting the gun and the defender will destroy you. Another disadvantage is the 100% accuracy. Why this is bad is that you have to run into a players bullet stream to land a hit unlike a spread weapon where you can sit away from a players bullet steam and rely on the spread to get a hit.

    If you ask me, get none of these guns. Instead get the MK23s. Its basically the same thing as a M16, only difference is dual wield BUT they have spread and the same fire rate of a M16. Its also cheaper.

  4. #4
    I like mk23s, theyre not as fast as m16 but they have spread which makes them hard to dodge, and you can switch to single mk23 which is more accurate, slower but has much less freeze

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Portland, OR
    Haha well I already have all of these guns I just didnt know what to use. And how much is the mk23? which shop?

  6. #6
    Development Team
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Tiger's Den
    I'd say go for M16 I think it'd be best out of the list, automatic, pretty okay damage level, I used it until I upgraded to a new gun Fun to base with too.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post
    I like mk23s, theyre not as fast as m16 but they have spread which makes them hard to dodge, and you can switch to single mk23 which is more accurate, slower but has much less freeze
    they shoot fast as m16 if you can shoot mk's correctly. Hell, the bar can shoot as fast as p2ks if done correctly.

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