The pk arena is fun as hell. However, its lacking and needs to be improved, because its simply empty all the time.

People don't go because there's nothing to gain from it. So, here I suggest special combat situations you cant find anywhere else. Gun turrets that slightly move bullet accuracy from side to side, when you die you drop on touch heal items that anyone can get to, more places to run, hide and evade into, hiding spots(like shadows that hide you and your name), special locations that use specific entrances to use(like coming from a different map to emerge in the heart of a battle feild), more maps(3-4 total), interactive maps(pitfalls like in old zelda games that hurt you from the drop, more halways for spammers). The pk arena could really be a nice place for a quick thrill.

Basement 1: Underground spar tiles.
Basement 2: Classic forest mixed with underground spar tiles.
Basement 3: Mining tunnels mixed with a waterway theme.
Basement 4: Old warehouse with bbz base tiles.

Every 20 min all pkers with 1000 kills gets 200g.