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Thread: Vince Gohshuks here, signing out

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    United States of America
    Dah, good ole' Gohshuks '11.

  2. #12
    Street Boss Shadow7980's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Gorham, Maine.
    I was jailed for saying simply "noob". I DEMAND JUSTICE >

    Ask me anything you would like to know about weapons, spar, PK, etc. I'll answer you to the best of my ability.

  3. #13
    :c we'll miss you.
    Computer Science major? I don't know. What's GS2?
    日本語が少し出来ます。でも、「Weeb? ??じゃないですよ!

  4. #14
    Shooter Banshee's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Funny that cudi thinks he was here in 2011 lmao, peace mang another good player gone to waste by our useless staff. Thanks a lot for doing nothing at all

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by vincen46 View Post
    So idk how many of you people here know me or have been around when I was an active player and PR member back in 2011-2012 so i'l get yall up to page. I've been off and on due to college work and generally life so I don't really get much time playing this game or games in general but something surprised me when I signed on to the app one day. I was in jail. The reason being "Offering to sell and mail illegal drugs -- asking for addresses." I was obviously shocked at the time thinking ok, why am I even in jail I don't even play this game often and I obviously didn't do a thing. So I tried hittin up that era email for them to get me out. To make a long story short, I exchanged a couple emails with them back and forth but I'd get responses like a week later and some emails that you could hardly call responses. In short they told me to wait for my jail time and insisted that I had done whatever crime it was. Whenever I asked them about it however they kept on saying it was something else. Such as trying to steal accounts, saying inappropriate things, logging on while jailed (wut), etc. Basically a bunch of bull. So most of must be wondering why I just don't wait out the jail time. Well its real simple, because I didn't do any of the things claimed and I refuse to serve time for a crime I didn't doing. So since they refuse on releasing me I'm basically giving up on this game. It's gone to the crapper for a while and I honestly don't have the time to deal with this game or their staff team. So guys, good bye I've made a lot of friends on this game and a lot of enemies but I'll miss em both. Peace out (and no i'm not going to come back i've already waited like a month without any qualms).
    At least one way to remember you will be Gangster Zone. :P

  6. #16
    Cya man! Good luck with life

  7. #17
    Thanks for always banning me
    [/COLOR]Admins do a terrible job

    In game name : a ten year old

    Ps. I am not actually 10 year old it is just funny to see people rage when they lose to a ten year old in spar or when they die

  8. #18
    hextraordinary Hex's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Bye old friend, ill miss the times we glitched into counters and posed as staff aaha..good times.

  9. #19
    Bye, good luck in real life!

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