Everyone seems to be trash picking and I think some new players are confused what the hell is going on and why the game told them to pick trash and everyone keeps stealing it from them. They also dig shells in close areas thinking they would last and die and go to the hospital or gets confused why crabs keeps attacking them

And they know flower picking is not very effective or fun because they got attacked by PKers who is shotgunning them and poisoning gassing them. And there's this one person who's a girl and a player who has a default noob face and android hat STOLE her pizza spot and started cussing at the noobdefault and said "See this gun? You'll never get one". and ran upstairs, the noob's reaction was "ok" and just made a pizza slowly. I was shooked and didn't bother to report her for harassing a poor newbie.

I always dig at the bottom side of the map, I left because there's some toxic people there. There's this dude with a golden hammer keeps harassing this player for no reason, and everyone left because he keeps evading the swear filter probably moved to another spot. I think he attacks anyone who he isn't friends with.
There are also people who would talk in other languages and when you google translate they are actually talking about you and insulting you lol. There's also this one person dragging all the crabs towards them because he got mad at the player who is also dragging the crabs away and verbally abusing anyone even tho they did nothing wrong. Why is the admins not doing about this?

I don't think we'll get new players after that, would the game live?

I'm gonna plan to quit if it will die.