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Thread: Using SQL to store graal data?

  1. #1

    Using SQL to store graal data?

    I know this question is a little bit newbish. <--- That is acknowledged,

    For instance you are making a bank system, or an inventory. My question is how do you make a variable (temp/this) to save it when
    you reconnect to the server, I don't think clientr does that, does it?

    I've never experimented with saving/storing data so I wanted to know if there was a tutorial on this.


    Noof was here.

  2. #2
    Am pretty sure it's in your attribute scripts

  3. #3
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  4. #4
    Big Cheese Captain
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noofboy12 View Post
    I know this question is a little bit newbish. <--- That is acknowledged,

    For instance you are making a bank system, or an inventory. My question is how do you make a variable (temp/this) to save it when
    you reconnect to the server, I don't think clientr does that, does it?

    I've never experimented with saving/storing data so I wanted to know if there was a tutorial on this.


    clientr variables save when you use them on serverside. However, when making changes to the clientr variables clientside, it will not be saved when you reconnect.
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