Quote Originally Posted by Darkshadow View Post
Why would a player be trade banned if the staff member spawns an item?? This makes no sense. So they punish the players and not the staff? I heard today that a bunch of corrupt staff spawned items to random players they don’t like so that they would be FORCED to quit and that some staff planned to leave era anyway so they wanted graal to die out. Also, Mel said the items the admin Chris gave her were removed. However, several others still have their item(s) that were “donated”. Again, why do players get punished for staff members doing illegal things? Makes no sense.
Usually because staff members are conspiring with the players in some way, if not then removal of the items is still justified because they are spawned. once items that were spawned are removed from the account they are usually unbanned from trades. Staff members should be punished and usually are though, I remember something happened with other Zephlyns a few months ago and they were fired. The way you put it made it sound like Mel directly accepted the items, which you shouldn't do. If an admin were to give you items you should be aware of what the consequences might be.